Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Week3: 21 st Century Education

All the efforts and work in the teaching and learning environment are planning to improve the education for the 21st century. The No Child Left Behind project wants to target specific areas of the studies to prepare not only students ICT literate but also students with global awareness, civic literacy and learning skills that will lead communication, thinking and problem-solving,and interpersonal skills. The Information and Communication Technologies has an big role as a learning environment. Technology tools provided by emerging technologies create an remarkable impact and generate opportunities to anybody to be a producer, journalist , and publisher.These opportunities apparently are not available to every students. The article shows measure used in different states may vary. Emerging technologies like Web 2.0 should provide access to students to equitable 21st education.
I added this video I made for a flash class about art history. I want to illustrate how students can use accesible new media to develop multimedia forms of communication.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.