Monday, September 3, 2007

Week2: WEB 2.0 v/s Interface Design

It seems that the new concept of globalization is not only have access to information but also have an active participation of this global communication. WEB 2.0 is simple. I just need a computer and No software is required to deliver the content I want. No programming background is require. WEB 2.0 is the virtual dynamic personal agenda/newspaper/everything at once and anywhere thing. No time to wait.
RSS, web feed, agregator amongs others concepts are introduced as a common language of a web culture.
Now everybody is a web designer. Is it that true?. Do we need to know user-centered concepts when facing a challenging design project?. Is the template the solution to the new contemporary communication needs?. One of my mayor focus in this program is Interface Design. I always recall a great design for the educational department used for the SFMOMA.

Could we deliver this same content using a generic template?.

How WEB 2.0 can fulfill my designer interest?. This new technology is great to create communities and connect limitless people, deliver rich multimedia content without having the tech support. Where is the balance between these applications and Design? I have the entire semester to elucidate this.


K.E.nn. said...

I totally agree with you that technology have become so simple that anyone can become a web designer and etc. However, I still believe there will always be REAL designers out there, because they will always come out with designs that are out of this world. Basically, with all these designers out there, it helps raises the bar of web design quality and I am totally for it!

Philip Noyes said...

"I just need a computer and No software is required to deliver the content I want"

I enjoy this quote; it is an aspect of this technology that I did not consider as concretely. I used to do HTML when the only way to make it was with a text editor and eschewed WYSIWYG editors like Dreamweaver for a long time. Now, I see little reason to go into the nuts and bolts of HTML in my computer graphics class except for basic survival skills so students can fix the inevitable mistakes the applications make. Knowing how to go beyond the limitations of the multitude of applications and templates will still let the advanced users shine, but will be non-essential to the transfer of knowledge. Likewise, as a CG teacher, I need to teach design not tools (which is already my focus)